Old Testament / SermonsA Christmas Question | A CH Spurgeon Sermon on Isaiah 9:6 By Charles Spurgeon "Rest not content unless you know assuredly that Christ is yours, and that you are Christ's."Read Article
New Testament / SermonsThe Light of the World | A CH Spurgeon Sermon on John 8:12 "There is no clear light in which any man can discern God but what flows through Jesus Christ."
New Testament / SermonsZealous, but Wrong | A CH Spurgeon Sermon on Romans 10:1-3 "It is of no use to be zealous if you are zealous in a wrong cause."
New Testament / SermonsThe Soul’s Great Crisis — CH Spurgeon on Romans 7:8-9 "God must clear away all your rubbish before He can give His grace."
New Testament / SermonsGod’s Cure for Man’s Weakness — Spurgeon on Hebrews 11:34 “My grace shall be sufficient for thee.”
New Testament / SermonsThe Unsearchable Riches of Christ — Ephesians 3:8 Religious or irreligious, the broken law shuts up all men in the selfsame prison."
New Testament / SermonsThe Great Jail, and How to Get Out of It — Galatians 3:22 Religious or irreligious, the broken law shuts up all men in the selfsame prison."
BlogThe Spurgeon Heritage Collection Learn about the newly acquired Spurgeon Heritage Collection at the Spurgeon Library
BlogCH Spurgeon on Borrowing Books: A Lesson for Book Lovers "I do not like being security for a man that he will return books, for no ordinary mortals ever do…
Old Testament / SermonsPride & Humility — A Spurgeon Sermon on Proverbs 18:12 "The prelude of destruction is pride, and of honor, humility."