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Spurgeon Sermons – Volume 08


Purchase and download Volume 8 of CH Spurgeon’s sermons – 12 MP3 audio sermons delivered with the dynamic of live preaching.



Twelve unabridged audio sermons produced with the dynamic of preaching.

The Light of the World (John 8:12)
Mercy, Omnipotence, and Justice (Na 1:3)
Christ Glorified as the Builder of His Church (Zec 6:13)
Terrible Convictions and Gentle Drawings (Ps 32:3, 4)
High Doctrine (2Co 5:18)
The Weeding of the Garden (Mt 15:13)
A Serious Remonstrance (2Ki 5:13)
Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42)
Resurrection Credible, The (Ac 26:8)
John and Herod (Mr 6:20)
The Lord’s Knowledge, Our Safeguard (2Pe 2:9)
Ploughing a Rock (Am 6:12)